Mizell Memories

Welcome to Crazytown. Population: 4

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Kitchen Play Time

Visit from the Letlows

The Letlows came to New Braunfels to enjoy a fun family weekend on the river. We could only join them for a bit but had fun anyway. Happy Birthday Matt!

Yummy Tomatoes

This blog is only funny if you know how much Mike hates tomatoes! He can't even watch me eat sliced tomatoes at the dinner table. Thankfully, Kade does not share these feelings.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Catch Up

I have been derelict in my blogging duties. I will post pictures of VBS as soon as I can get some from anybody who had time to take them :) That is where all of my time and energy has gone lately, but I hope to be back to full speed now! Here is a video of Kade climbing... his new favorite hobby. He is running everywhere. Hope to get video of it soon but everytime I take the camera out he stops and runs towards me saying "CHEESE"!