Mizell Memories

Welcome to Crazytown. Population: 4

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Sick Days at Home...

You'd never guess Kade was sick in these pictures.

We've spent a lot of time reading and/or sitting in buckets.

Silly Mommy, the milk goes in the bowl with the Cheerios!

Aunt Misty keeps us all in style!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Dallas Visit

At the beginning of the week Kade wasn't so sure about floating around the pool.

Mowing the grass (and gravel) sure works up an appetite!

Big Daddy's BBQ is something to smile about!!
He could not get enough... until he got it in his nose.

Having a heart to heart with Greatgrandmother...

By the end of the week, it wasn't so bad. Basically Kade likes to play and splash anything within a ten foot range.

I do love my mommy!

Some day I will get around to taking pictures of the people we visit...